Fill-Me-In Friday: Best Writing Links of the Week


Favorite Photo of the Week: A.J. of Lit at Billy Bob's this past weekend. Yes, a rock band at a the world's largest honky tonk. It was like walking into a scene from Urban Cowboy but then they were playing Nine Inch Nails on the speakers. o.0


This week's list of links is going to be a little shorter than usual because I've been holed up in the rewriting cave under a tight deadline. I'm still in there, but I can almost see light at the end of the title (ha, that last word was a typo, but I think I'll leave it as stands, it's appropriate). That concert (above) is about the only relaxation I've had this week, so I'm looking forward to getting this book sent off so I can breathe. Well at least until I start drafting book four next week, lol.

So here are some of the best links I've come across this week...


On Writing/Publishing:



On Reviews (since that seems to be the BIG topic this week, with lots of kerfuffleness going on) 



On Social Networking and Marketing:



On Other Stuff: 



What You May Have Missed From Me This Week: 


Alright, that's what I've got this week. How has your week been? What's your weekend looking like?

Why I Walk Away From Bad Reviews... #atozchallenge

Photo by Chriscom (click pic for link)First, just a quick heads up. I'm blogging over at Peanut Butter on the Keyboard today on: Enough with the “Mommy Porn” Label – Moms Are Still Women. I hope you'll stop by. :)

Okay now to today's topic...

There are many things that I can handle. I have had critiques that had so much red you couldn't see black print anymore. I have had my agent tell me to remove an entire subplot and replace it with something completely different and I had two weeks to do it (she was right.) I'm even the girl who wanted the teacher to hand out test grades on Friday instead of waiting until after the weekend. In a lot of arenas, you could call me masochistic.

But, I have found this tough-skinned thing does not translate to reading reviews. And that's okay. Sometimes you have to know your limits. (And sometimes being tough-skinned isn't the be all end all.)

 Bad reviews...

Ruin my day when I read them.

Make me question my current WIP and my ability to write.

Make me worry about sales.

Get me grumpy.

Inspire writer's block.

Cause me to wonder if all those months I spend buried, sometimes ignoring my family and everything else, to write books for hardly any income are for naught.

Are part of the deal.

Are necessary.

Are totally the reader's right.

Are for other readers, not me.


So when I feel the urge to read what that person who gave me 1-3 stars said, I sing the choruses of these two songs in my head and click on something else.


Walk Away - Kelly Clarkson


Not For You - Pearl Jam


What have you learned you have to walk away from because it's just not good for you? Fellow writers, how do you handle tough reviews? Do you read anything anyone says about you?