CAUGHT UP IN YOU is here! Geek heroes for the win! :)

I'm so beyond excited that the release for CAUGHT UP IN YOU is here. I love this hero so much. He was such fun to write. And he's Jace's brother, so there's that. :)  Also, for those who have read CRASH INTO YOU, the heroine in CAUGHT is Brynn's sister from that first book. So expect to see cameos from other characters! :)


This is the book my editor declared her favorite thing I've ever written. I also think it's the sweetest story I've written so far (even though, don't worry, there is lots of smexiness in this one, too.) I think I just channeled a bit of my inner John Hughes for parts of this one. :)


I hope y'all enjoy it!


And if you do, I'd love for you to tweet/facebook about the book and spread the word. Or leave a review on one of the book sites like Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc. Those reviews are HUGE and help so much. And since I'm not doing a blog tour, they're even more vital. *hugs to all of you*


Here's the blurb: (And you can read Chapter 1 here.)
The girl who has spent her life running is about to be caught . . . by love
After a shaky past, Kelsey LeBreck's future is looking good. She's been saving money for culinary school with her earnings from The Ranch, a private BDSM resort. Even better, she's landed a day job where she can practice baking and flirt with her favorite customer. However, having secret fantasies about Wyatt Austin is where it has to end. If there's one thing Kelsey knows can derail her, it's a relationship. But when a danger from her past threatens to steal her fresh start, the intense executive may be the only one who can help her.

Wyatt doesn't have room on his agenda for dating, but something about the pretty young waitress stirs desires he thought were long buried. So when he needs someone to pose as his girlfriend at an important business retreat and finds out Kelsey needs to go off the grid for a while, he can't resist making her an offer. Soon, Kelsey learns that Wyatt's power in the boardroom is no match for his power in the bedroom, and she wonders if her heart will survive. Because Wyatt Austin is a man who gets what he wants, and now he wants her.

Buy the paperback: Barnes and Noble | Amazon 
Or the ebook:  Kindle | Nook